Thursday, December 30, 2010

Penguin maze for the letter P maze in the book "Learn To A Maze" By Yonatan Frimer

P is for Penguin - Maze of PenguinCool maze of a penguin

Click for Maze Solution of Penguin Maze
Maze of cute little penguin, a flightless bird that is found around Antarctica and the north pole. The entrance of the maze is in the upper left corner, and the exit is in the lower right corner of the maze. This maze goes with the maze of the letter P for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Some interesting links for y'all to check out:
Some fun facts from wikipedia about Penguins:

Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have become flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid, and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.

Although all penguin species are native to the southern hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of penguin live so far south. Several species are found in the temperate zone, and one species, the Galápagos Penguin, lives near the equator.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mill Meadows maze idea dubbed ‘lunacy’ - Henley Standard

Mill Meadows maze idea dubbed ‘lunacy’

A MAZE could be created in Mill Meadows in Henley. It would have waist-high hedges and notice boards with information about the meadows, which are popular with visitors, and other places of interest in town.

On Tuesday, members of the town council’s recreation and amenities committee agreed to investigate the proposal and consider reinstating the putting green. Councillor Elizabeth Hodgkin called the maze a “lovely idea”.

“This could be one thought for celebrating the Queen’s jubilee,” she said.

But Councillor Barry Wood said the maze would just be a case of “filling spaces” and claimed that the council had previously used Mill Meadows for “dumping things”.

He said: “A maze is lunacy — it would be blocking an open space. I would like to see more open space and keep the ambience of Mill Meadows.”

Cllr Hodgkin responded: “The maze would not be built on the meadow but on a more feasible area.

“This particular space has been very difficult for us. We have tried a number of things such as a putting green there but it didn’t go well. Then we tried a picnic area but that didn’t go well either.

“I propose carrying out further investigation because it is worthy of it.”

Her proposal was seconded by Mayor Jeni Wood and passed by three votes to one with one abstention.

An earlier proposal to put a maze in Marsh Meadows was rejected by town councillors following an objection from Paul Mainds, chief executive of the River and Rowing Museum, and because it was an inappropriate location.

Read this article at it's source

Maze of Number Four (4) and Maze of Lucky Number Seven (7) by Yonatan Frimer

Number Seven (7) Maze
Psychedelic Seven Maze
Click for Maze Solution of Number Seven (7) Maze
Maze of the number Seven (7) in a psychedelic half-tone that creates a great illusion. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Number Four (4) Maze
Number four maze
Click for Maze Solution of Number Four (4) Maze
Maze of the number Four (4) Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Visit for more cool mazes

Check out some other Yonatan Frimer Maze Art Mazes:

Deer in the headlights maze yonatan frimer

Maze of a zebra for the letter Z by Yonatan Frimer

Source for these mazes thanks to this source

Kangaroo Maze and Number One (1) Maze by Yonatan Frimer

K is for Kangaroo - Maze of Kangaroo
Kangaroo Maze
Click for Maze Solution of Kangaroo Maze
Maze of a leaping kangaroo, an animal that only lives in the areas near Australia. The entrance of the maze is in the upper left corner, and the exit is in the lower right corner of the maze. This maze goes with the maze of the letter K for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Number One (1) Maze
maze of the number 1 by yonatan frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Number One (1) Maze
Maze of the number One (1) Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Image info: (Line Drawing)

Check out Yonatan Frimer's Editorial Cartoon Maze Blog on The Jerusalem Post
Check out Mazes by Category on Team Of Monkeys . com
Check out some new and old hot mazes:
Maze of Howard Stern PortraitMaze art of the letter W, by Yonatan Frimerkiss-maze-420.pngmonkey in the maze optical illusion maze by yonatan frimerzebra maze

Robocop maze AWESOME by Yonatan Frimer, Maze Artist. This maze is actually illegal for commercial use.maze of walrusmaze of a deer
Maze cartoon about Obama's change that he broughthMaze of Larry King done by Yonatan Frimercasino maze by yonatan frimer

The Word "Maze" in the news....

Victims oppose Euro funding for Maze site

TWO victims' groups have hit out after it emerged that government has applied for £20m of European funding to develop the former prison buildings at the Maze.
A development corporation was set up in September to decide what to do with the site.

There are several options which include the relocation of the Balmoral Show and establishing a peace facility in the remaining buildings on the site where some of Northern Ireland's most infamous killers were once housed.

However two victims group have said they were "aghast" to discover that an application has been submitted to the EU for funding to establish a conflict transformation centre in the disputed buildings.

A core part of the proposal is the maintenance, preservation and future development of the former H-Blocks and hospital wing.

Director of Lisnaskea-based victims' group South East Fermanagh Foundation Kenny Donaldson has expressed his opposition to the plan.

"In recent weeks we have had OFMDFM's bosses announce that funding was being sought to develop a CTF at that site, so OFMDFM have presided over the non-delivery of a National Sports stadium but are now backing the development of a Conflict Transformation Facility/shrine to terrorism at that site.

"I, along with many from throughout the Northern Ireland community, am aghast at this turn of events.

"The vast majority of our society whether nationalist, unionist or otherwise are not opposed to the creation of a Peace Building Centre, which seeks to educate and inform the generations of today and tomorrow as to the folly of terrorism.

"What people have a problem with is; the building of such a centre on a site synonymous with evil and criminality."

The group Justice for Innocent Victims of Terrorism has also spoken out
"The former Maze Prison site will never be considered a neutral location for the innocent victims of terrorism," a spokesman said.

"In principle, we are not opposed to there being a peace centre developed in Northern Ireland, which genuinely examines the consequences terrorism has upon a society but we will not consent to such a centre being built at a location synonymous with Republican resistance and terrorism against our state."

The groups have set up a petition opposing the siting of the centre at the former prison.

An OFMDFM spokesperson responded to the criticism.

"It was publicly announced on the 29 July 2010 that the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister would submit an EU funding application for a Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Facility on the MLK site," he said.

"It is anticipated that the centre will be a world class facility of international importance designed to strengthen our peace building expertise and to share our experiences with others throughout the world.

"The setting up of a development corporation for the strategically important Maze/Long Kesh site will ensure the full economic potential of the site is realised.

"The site represents a unique opportunity to help revive our economic output in these difficult times."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Maze of a Walrus, by Yonatan Frimer

W is for Walrus - Maze of Walrus

maze of walrus

Click for Maze Solution of Walrus Maze
Maze of a Walrus. Big tusks on these friendly creatures. Maze starts in the upper left forner around his right eye and exit of the maze is in the lower right corner right past his blubber and right tusk. This maze goes with the
Maze art of the letter W, by Yonatan Frimer for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can check out more Yonatan Frimer Mazes at team of monkeys . com

Walrus Maze Source Article - For your ipad or other portable or desktop devices.

The walrus whiskers came from this maze blog

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yo Yo Maze and Raccoon Maze, by Yonatan Frimer

Y is for Yo-Yo - Maze of a Yo-Yo

Maze of a guy with a yo yo for the letter y maze
Click for Maze Solution of Yo-Yo Maze

Yo Yo Maze. Maze of a guy with a yo yo. This maze goes with the maze of the letter Y for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Maze of the letter Y, upper-case:
maze of the letter Y twenty fifth letter of the english alphabet
Click for Maze Solution of Y maze

R is For Raccoon - Maze of a RaccoonMaze of Raccoon for the Letter R Maze

Click for Maze Solution of R for Raccoon Maze
Raccoon Maze for the Letter R Maze. Part of a series for a book called, "Learn To A Maze" which uses image themed mazes to teach kids the alphabet and how to read. This maze of a raccoon goes next to the maze of the letter R. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter R:
Maze art of the letter R, by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of R maze

These mazes are from Yonatan Frimer's upcoming book, "Learn To A Maze". An edutainment booklet that teaches children (and adults!) the alphabet and simple reading using mazes. For more examples of Yonatan Frimer's mazes, visit Team Of Monkeys . com or Ink Blot Mazes . com

Some more maze links for you: Happy Day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Maze letters of R, I and W by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter W:

Maze art of the letter W, by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of W maze
Maze of a W, created by swirly lines in a strobe pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter I:

Maze art of the letter I, by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of I maze
Maze of a I, created by straight lines in a strobing pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter R:

Maze art of the letter R, by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of R maze
Maze of a R, created by straight lines in a strobing pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Maze art of the letter, E, F, H by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of uppercase letter F:capital f maze
Click for Maze Solution of capital F maze
Yonatan Frimer maze of a capital F, as part of the "Learn To A Maze" series to teach kids the alphabet by using psychedelic mazes. Maze entrance is in the upper left corner and maze exit is in the lower right corner.

Check out more Yonatan Frimer Mazes here

Maze of uppercase letter E:Yonatan Frimer maze of Uppercase E as in Elephant
Click for Maze Solution of upper-case letter E Maze
Maze of the letter E. To solve the maze, find the entrance in the upper left corner of the maze and the exit in the lower right corner of the maze. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Check out more alphabet maze art here

Maze of uppercase letter H:Yonatan Frimer maze of Uppercase H as in house.
Click for Maze Solution of upper-case letter H Maze
Maze of the letter H. To solve the maze, find the entrance in the upper left corner of the maze and the exit in the lower right corner of the maze. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze Blog

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Justin Bieber Maze Portrait by Yonatan Frimer

Justin Bieber Maze Portrait

Maze portrait of Justin Bieber

Click for Maze Solution of Justin Bieber Maze Portrait
Maze of Justin Bieber, the teenage pop-sensation that teenage girls go wild for. The maze starts in the upper left corner, and ends in the lower right. Should take you only a few minutes to solve this maze, which is also about how long it too Justin Bieber to become famous. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Sell Art Online

Check out more mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Letter A MazeMaze of UpperCase D by Yonatan Frimer

Letter B maze, second letter in the alphabet, upper-caseMaze O letter mazes alphabet maze
Letter B maze, fourteenth letter in the alphabet, upper-caseLetter X maze, twenty-fourth letter in the alphabet, upper-case

Check out another Yonatan Frimer Maze Blog

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'd Like To Maze A Vowel By Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter A - Upper-CaseLetter A Maze

Click here for the Maze Solution of Upper-Case "A" Maze

Very psychedelic maze of an uppercase letter A. To solve the maze, find the entrance and exit located in the upper left and lower right corners of the maze and the path that connects them.
Created by Yonatan Frimer

Click here to check out more Yonatan Frimer Maze Art
Visit a Yonatan Frimer Maze Blog

Sell Art Online

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Favorite Maze By Yonatan Frimer

This is one of my favourite mazes that I have ever created. Its basically a merger of 3-d vanishing points and a bunch of monkeys jumping around all in a maze. It took me over 20 hours to complete this maze, and it is one of the most popular mazes that I have ever created. Click on the maze to view it in much greater detail.

Maze Kong

Maze Kong - 2006 Mazes
King Kong of Mazes

Visit these links for more maze art by me, Yonatan Frimer:
Maze cartoons and Technical Illustration Mazes
Maze Art by Yonatan Frimer
Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer
And another maze blog by Yonatan Frimer

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

La Union Maze attracts, employs students

With late afternoon warmth settling in, maze-goers gradually trickle in like an unfastened water faucet and sophomore education major Idanea Gomez shelves her history book underneath the counter to attend to customers.

So far, it's the busiest day of the season, which started the weekend before. She manages the token booth at La Union Maze, located at 1101 South Highway 28. For the second consecutive year, she sells tickets for various attractions at the popular autumn activity.

Many college students like Gomez juggle a job while attending school. Although the job is seasonal, Gomez said the work environment is worth coming back each year.

"My mom and my sister work here, so I do this with them. It's fun," Gomez said. "You get to meet a lot of people."

Now in its 11th season, La Union Maze retains about two-thirds of their employees, co-owner Lucy Sondgeroth said, who helps run the maze with her husband Robert.

"There are kids here that have been with us five or six years," Sondgeroth said.

The maze opened Sept. 25, and it remains open until Nov. 7. La Union Maze includes two mazes, smaller entertainment attractions and snacks such as roasted corn. This year's maze is themed to commemorate American troops.

After five years of employment at the maze, Alex Gonzalez, junior mechanical engineer major, said he returns each year because of the overall employee morale, schedule flexibility and pastoral atmosphere.

"If you put the effort in, it's more fun than it is work," Gonzalez said.

The Sondgeroths rely mostly on the help of friends and family to find dedicated employees. Lucy said it takes about 25 employees at the beginning of the season to man the maze but that often increases to 35 at midseason.

"We hardly ever take walk-ins," Sondgeroth said. "We rather know who they are, or know somebody who knows who they are."

Gonzalez was an exception to the family and friend prerequisite.

He originally asked owner Robert Sondgeroth if he accepted volunteers at the maze. Robert took his information and called him back. On his first day at the maze, Gonzalez was asked to clock in. The maze became a job.


Diana Amaro

Idanea Gomez, sophomore education major works at the token booth at La Union Maze.


Diana Amaro

Emmanuel Medrano, freshman mechanical engineering major, works at the duck races.

"He told me to clock in and clock out. I was just expecting to volunteer and he started paying me," Gonzalez said. "It made it more worthwhile."

Gonzalez, who was hired as a sophomore in high school, said he wanted to work at the maze because it looked fun, and it was a chance to acquire experience.

"I never expected to be there that long," Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez said five years later, he still enjoys working like he did in the beginning. He prefers to roast corn to the other tasks. He said it challenges him because it is fast paced and detailed.

"You got to figure out a way to get a process done," Gonzalez said. "It requires the most thinking. It's most stressful."

Gonzalez said the job is fairly easy to carry while going to school, but as he gets further into his studies, his hours at the maze dwindle.

Gomez, who was referred to the maze by her mother, who knows Lucy, said it is not a bad job to have while going to school. It can only get difficult for her because she also works at the Academic Advising Center and must manage her time wisely.

"I can bring my homework here (the maze) and get ahead. If not I do it all Sunday," Gomez said.

Gomez said the maze is flexible with student workers.

"They're flexible with us because they take a little part of their lives to help us. We have to be flexible with them too," Sondgeroth said.

Managing such a large staff requires patience, organisation and flexibility, Sondgeroth said.

"It gets a little hectic. Robert and I are like, ‘who's where? Who's on first? Who's on second?'" Sondgeroth laughs.

Sondgeroth said it's important to accommodate their employees because the job can be exhausting and tedious.

"If we're not terribly busy, we don't mind if they have a book to read," Sondgeroth said.

The Sondgeroths emphasize the importance of being alert and customer service to employees.

During the day, families and their children frequent the maze. A different crowd – high school students, college students, young couples and more – dominate the evening. The crowds change the atmosphere for employees. The evening is usually busier.

"They're more relaxed because they're not dealing with so many kids," Sondgeroth said. "On the other hand, they have to be alert about trouble (since) you have an older crowd."

The Sondgeroths station employees – young and old – at every attraction, depending on responsibility. Emmanuel Medrano, freshman pre-engineering major, has worked two weekends so far. He has worked at the rubber duck race station, pedal car race and as a corn cop.

He said it can be difficult at first, but it gets easier. As a corn cop, he had to help lost families get out of the maze. He admits he is just getting the hang of the maze.

"You recognize some spots, but during the night, you get lost pretty easy," Medrano said.

Medrano also brings books to study during downtime or when he's not walking through the maze.

Gonzalez said it takes at least two weekends to learn the ins and outs of the maze.

"At the beginning everybody's a little lost but that comes with the territory," Sondgeroth said. "Once they do it a few times, they have a sense of where everything is. Something about a young mind that figures things out fast. I would be lost in there forever."

Job stations include mazes (difficult and novice), the Hill, the Big Jumping Pillow, the Pumpkin Patch Trolley, Cow Train, Pedal Cars, Target Practice, Duck Races and more.

"If your kids are not dirty when they leave here they didn't have fun," Sondgeroth said.

Click here to read the full article

Monday, September 20, 2010

Caricature maze of Ahmadinejad's new drone, the 'Ambassador of Death' by Yonatan Frimer

Maze cartoon caricature of Ahmadinejad's new drone.
maze cartoon caricature of ahmadenijad and ambassador of death drone
Maze cartoon caricature of Ahmadinejad's new Ambassador of Death Drone with the Iranian president saying, "Our nuke program is for peaceful purposes ONLY...By the way, this is our new drone, the Ambassador of Death."
Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res file of Ahmadinejad drone
Click here for the solution to Ahmedinejad caricature maze

Check out more Yonatan Frimer mazes, click this link
Click here to check out a cool maze blog.
And another maze blog here

Article on the topic of this maze cartoon:

Iran Unveils 'Ambassador of Death' Unmanned Drone Bomber

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies.

The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), according to a state TV report — not far enough to reach arch-enemy Israel.

"The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship," said Ahmadinejad at the inauguration ceremony, which fell on the country's national day for its defence industries.

The goal of the aircraft, named Karrar or striker, is to "keep the enemy paralysed in its bases," he said, adding that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes.

The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."

Click here to read the full story on Fox News

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hamas derailing the peace train, Yonatan Frimer maze cartoon

Maze cartoon of Hamas derailing the peace train.
Maze cartoon of peace train getting derailed by hamas.
Maze cartoon of the middle east peace process getting derailed by Hamas.
Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res file of Hamas VS the Peace Train
Click here for the solution to Hamas derailing the peace train.
Check out many more Maze Cartoons by Yonatan Frimer
Check out another Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer
More maze cartoons by Yonatan Frimer

Article on the topic of this maze cartoon:

Gaza militants launch rocket attacks in effort to derail peace talks By Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem

Short-range rockets and mortars rained on southern Israel yesterday as militants sought to derail the revived peace process on the second day of talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

Militants in Gaza, the coastal enclave controlled by Hamas, fired at least nine projectiles into Israel, causing no injuries. Israel responded with an air strike on Gaza, killing a 23-year-old Palestinian man.

The upsurge in attacks came during talks in Jerusalem, where Washington is pushing for a breakthrough in the peace process, launched a fortnight ago after nearly two years of stalled negotiations.

At the end of the second day, George Mitchell, the US envoy, sounded a cautious note of optimism, hinting that the two sides were making progress over the extension of a construction freeze in the Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

"We continue in our efforts to make progress in that regard and believe we are doing so," Mr Mitchell told reporters after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met in Jerusalem.

"The two leaders are not leaving the tough issues to the end of their discussions," he added. "We take this as a strong indicator of their belief that peace is possible."

Ahead of a packed day of meetings, Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, had reiterated...(click here to read the full article source)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Edvard Munch The Scream and Sunset with birds by Yonatan Frimer

Scream maze, by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cover for Edvard Munch, SCREAMAZING
Maze of Edvard Munch "The Scream"

Maze of a Sunset with birds, by Yonatan Frimer
The MAZE Sets the Sun
This one is hanging up in my house.

Find much more mazes at and